March 25, 2018 @ 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Center for Cartoon Studies
48 S Main St
White River Junction, VT 05001
Suggested Donation $25
Chris Damiani
802 457 3188

Cornerstone Creative Community (3cVT) announces its second Community Wide Mashup for member of the creative sector from our forty town East Central Vermont Region, Sunday, March 25th from 12 pm – 4 :30 pm at the Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, VT

The Center for Cartoon Studios logo

We invite you to join us for a Pot-luck & Networking opportunity starting at NOON followed by presentations and updates from 3CVT committee members and creative community leaders to discuss initiatives at work aimed at branding, unifying, developing and strengthening our creative economy.

Please RSVP to Kimberly Gilbert [email protected]

When you RSVP, be sure to let us know what it is!

3cvt mashup agenda:
12:00pm- 2:00 Participants Potluck Lunch & Networking

2:00 -2 :30 From the 3CVT Committee

  • Anni Mackay, Owner & Director, Big Town Gallery
  • Chris Damiani, Planner, TRORC

2:30-3:00 Presentations

3:30 – 4:10 Discussion of Proposals

  • USDA Grant
  • Internship Program
  • Plans for Mashup #3

4:10-4:30 Community Input

Sponsored By: 

TRORC logoGMEDC logo

Vermont Arts Council logo

3CVT is in partnership with Two Rivers Ottaquechee Regional Commission (TRORC), the Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation (GMEDCC), East Central Vermont Economic Development District (ECVEDD), the Vermont Arts Council, artists, entrepreneurs, and professionals, and is building their partnership base of support through these networking events