Text that says Resilience



Task: Assess the region’s resilience via available tools and public outreach.

Funded by U.S. Economic Development Administration, SWCRPC, and TRORC.

ECV District Partner, SWCRPC, was the lead organization on a recently completed project that defined what resilience means to our region and identified ways in which we are prepared for economic shocks, as well as those areas where we may have gaps.

Project Deliverables:

A resilient Vermont is better prepared for, and able to more effectively manage and bounce forward from, natural disasters and climate-related shocks, and the risks they pose to our economy, environment, and social well-being. By working proactively to reduce vulnerabilities and improve our disaster response and recovery, we ensure that we are continually strengthening our resilience.

~Resilient Vermont.org

For more information contact:

Allison Hopkins, AICP, Regional Planner
Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission (SWCRPC)
[email protected] – 802-674-9201 ex. 113